Thought for the Week: Share Your Talent

It seems a long time ago that I was studying for my English Literature ‘O’ level. Like many other pupils in the 80’s, the set novel was the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. The novel was published in 1960 and won the Pulitzer Prize. It is based upon Harper Lee’s experiences growing up in Monroeville, Alabama. The novel deals with the serious issues of rape and racial inequality whilst at the same time containing warmth and humour as it portrays those events through the eyes of three children. The book still sells around one million copies per year.

After many years away from the spotlight, Harper Lee is once again making headlines. Now 88 years old, a second novel she has written has been discovered. The manuscript of “Go Set A Watchman”, written at the same time as “To Kill a Mocking Bird” was found in a bank safe-deposit box in Alabama that was being cleared out after the death of her sister, Alice. Harper Lee did not realise the manuscript had survived and is said to be delighted that it has been discovered. However, many are wondering if this is the case. Harper Lee has politely refused to speak to journalists since 1964 and has not written a notable work since that time. In 2007 she suffered a stroke that left her wheelchair-bound, almost entirely deaf and blind, and forgetful. Concerns have been raised that the "rediscovered" novel's release comes months after the death of her sister, Alice. It was she who protected Harper Lee's estate from the outside world and shielded her from a whole manner of things. Whatever the speculation, the world is preparing for another Harper Lee novel 50 years after the original.

Harper Lee is clearly a unique character. She writes two novels – releases the first, which becomes a famous prize winner and the second gets put to one side, hidden in a bank vault for fifty years. Other novelists turn a book out every three years or so, whether they be good, bad or indifferent. Yet, not so with this lady. We will probably never know why this second one has remained hidden until now. When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth he said, “God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Spirit who is the source of them all.” (1 Corinthians 12:4). We all have unused strengths, hidden talents, and untapped abilities. Sometimes we do not recognise what we have been given, at other times we choose not to share those talents for whatever reason – like a famous novel hidden in a bank vault we hide our talents away. At this time of Self-Denial, let’s not withhold our abilities and deny others the opportunity to benefit from them. Someone, might just be waiting for you to exercise your gift to make their life better. Share your talent, don’t hide it away!

Every blessing,

Major Adrian