Thought for the Week: Stuck in traffic

The one thing that I cannot stand more than most things is being stuck in traffic…Especially, if I have already left extra time to avoid the traffic, or if I want to get home or be somewhere. I sometimes wish there was a “I’m in a rush” lane or in other words the “fast” lane.

Excuse the cheesiness, but I guess sometimes in life, we have all found ourselves ‘stuck in traffic’ or stuck in a sticky situation, or feeling a bit down about something that is going on in our lives. And we all sometimes wish that we could just move ourselves into the smooth, fun and uncomplicated ‘fast lane’ and get past all of our troubles as quickly as possible.

But unfortunately, bad things happen in life and there is not much we can do to avoid them, just like we can’t always avoid getting stuck in traffic. Sometimes, even the alternative route is also clogged-up with cars! But in James 1 it says…

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

So no, we can’t always move into the ‘fast lane’ of life, and there will be times in my life when I have to be patient and sit in that long cue of traffic for what feels like forever…But a life with God re-assures us that the harder times in life help us to grow; and so we shouldn’t feel angry or dis-heartened when our lives get difficult or stressful, but instead, we should look more to the positives, knowing that eventually, the traffic will clear and we will feel like we are living in the ‘fast lane’ again.

Lotsa Love!
Becky. x.

This week's thought was written by Becky Elliott. Becky is a singer / songwriter from Gloucestershire. At 20 years old, Becky draws on her strong Christian Faith when song writing and hopes to start blogging so that people can see an insight into her world and where she draws her inspiration from when writing songs.

Becky lives and breathes the bible verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.

You can follow her blog at