Thought for the Week: A living sacrifice

Gardening seems to have been a familiar topic of mine in recent months. If you’re wondering how the front garden is going – don’t ask! The back garden is doing much better! Bedding plants are in, tomato plants are in the greenhouse growing nicely and strawberry plants are producing flowers and young fruit a plenty. These were Rosie’s plants but as usual interest is sporadic and dad is left to care for them. I’m happy with my efforts. My only disappointment has been the marigold plants. I have something in the garden that clearly sees them as a delicacy and has devoured them. So, in my carefully planted flower bed I have plants growing nicely in patterns (Hey, I do have OCDs!) and then in places I have a bald area with a stalk sticking out of the ground where once a marigold plant flourished.

I’m no expert and so sought the advice of others in the corps regarding this issue. I was interested to discover that marigolds are ‘sacrifice’ plants. Allotment owners will often plant marigolds amongst their vegetable plants in the hope that the insects will eat the marigolds rather than the vegetables and therefore I should not be surprised that my marigold plants are popular for the vegetarian insects in my garden. The marigold has all the potential of blooming and flowering and yet it is planted knowing that it may never reach that stage. The consolation for gardeners who love to see plants flower is that the sacrifice will instead ensure the wellbeing of the rest of my crop.

Sacrifice is a word we often use as followers of Jesus. This week we have sent Major Nancy to heaven to the glorious prize promised her by Christ. She was a lady who understood what sacrifice meant. Throughout her life she readily gave of herself to ensure the health and well-being of others. Of course, she was simply taking on the nature of God the Father, whose sacrifice for the greater good of others was seen most dramatically when Christ died on the cross. There, He took upon himself the sins of the world – grace was offered, forgiveness for all became a reality.

Sacrificial living in whatever form is part and parcel of the life of all who would be followers of Jesus. I’m not one who talks to my plants but in the simple process of tending to them I am happy to be reminded of one of the most important spiritual truths that I need to learn.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” – Romans 12:1

Every blessing, Major Adrian