Thought for the Week: Don't miss out!

Following my recent surgery it’s good to be out and about once again. I’ve appreciated all your ‘get well messages’ and especially thank you all for the support you have given to Clare in this last week. I was hoping that the recovery period would have been faster than it was and was extremely disappointed to not be at the hall these last few days.

Coming back I can certainly feel the buzz around the place from the visit of the Chicago Staff Band. I feel I have missed out on something! When the Olympics came to London in 2012 there was a lot of indifference around the country towards the games until the games actually started and suddenly there was a great desire to be part of what you were seeing on the television. We didn’t get tickets for the games but wanted to be part of the atmosphere and so quickly booked tickets for the Para-Olympics and were glad that we did. I think it’s the same with the Army’s International Congress – it’s now here and as we see and hear of all that’s going on at the O2 we want to be part of it. We booked tickets on Wednesday so that we could say we could be part of it for at least a day.

By definition, if you miss out on something you are unable or choose not to take part in a good opportunity to enjoy something that will be useful or beneficial to you. I certainly feel I missed out by not being able to be here for the visit of the band and am sure it will continue to be a blessing to our corps in days to come.

I contrast the air of joy I feel at the corps this week with a conversation I had with someone. They too were talking of missing out on something but more seriously they were talking of missing out on life. They were in a dark and low place where despite having such a beautiful character and many gifts and talents to offer to society they still felt that life was not worth living. The care and professional help they needed was simply not being provided and despite numerous pleas for help nothing was being done to improve their situation. All they wanted was the lifestyle that others, including me, take for granted. It was a sober reminder of all that the Army is about – bringing the promise of Jesus to give life in all its fullness to everyone. This is a week of celebration for the Army – it’s also a week to remind ourselves why we were raised by God in the first place.

Passing understanding is his boundless love,
More than I can every comprehend,
Jesus, in his mercy, left his throne above,
All to be my Saviour and my friend.

Every blessing,
Major Adrian